Narrow street in Copenhagen with colorful houses.Narrow street in Copenhagen with colorful houses.

Unlock the stories around you

Go hunting for stories in the real world with the StoryHunt app. When you have reached a story, unlock it to listen to what has happened exactly where you are. Download the app and let the hunt begin!

Phone with the StoryHunt app tours showing.Phone with the StoryHunt app map showing.
Women seen from behind standing in Nyhavn, Copenhagen.

Explore on your terms

Go on one of our tours to aquire new knowledge of your surroundings. Unlike a traditional guided tour, you can go whenever you want, and experience it all at your pace. Whether you're into historic sagas, ghost stories, or something completely different - we have a tour for you!

Don't waste your time on bad audio walks

Quality is key when we create content for StoryHunt. Take a look at our StoryHunt Originals, which are created by journalists, actors and sound specialists. Whether you are local or visiting, we promise you that you won't waste your time.

Phone showing three different StoryHunt tours.
Go to tour: Fra Mjød Til Specialøl..Go to tour: Fra Mjød Til Specialøl..

Go to tour: Ghostwalk..Go to tour: Ghostwalk..

Go to tour: Soldaten..Go to tour: Soldaten..

Two smiling people wearing earphones and holding their phones.

Expand your horizon alone or with friends

StoryHunt is suitable for you to go exploring alone, if you would like to learn and reflect on your surroundings. If you on the other hand find yourself in a social mood, bring along your friends and explore together - we support the great group experience. Some tours include lunch or drinks for you all to enjoy.

What do our users say?

StoryHunt review by Ida.

Ida, 30 y/o

“We have had some super good tours with the StoryHunt app. It's fun to experience the stories and history that hides in your own backyard. It's also a really nice way to spend time with the family. By the way a genius gift idea!“

StoryHunt review by Minar.

Minar, 22 y/o

“My husband told me about this freaking genius app. A really adventurous concept where you really get under the skin of the city. Huge recommendation from me. We tried Nørrebro a couple of days ago and loved every bit of it.“

StoryHunt review by Kasper.

Kasper, 32 y/o

“It was great to try GhostWalk, because I learned new and interesting things about the streets and the city that I've lived in for the past 11 years. It brought the city into a new light and reminded me of how much history it has.“

StoryHunt review by Maria.

Maria, 44 y/o

“You start to wonder - is that really what happened? When you hear: This is where it it all took place, and you are standing at that exact spot - that is awesome. It makes me want to tell my children the next time we go for a walk here.“

A grid of all StoryHunt tours.

Get started

Convinced? Then click the button below and let's find a tour for you. You can try out a free tour or you can buy one - some even include lunch or drinks that you can enjoy along the way.