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Atelier Europa

Get close to Franciska Clausen and experience Aabenraa through her eyes.

1.8 km

1 hr

Storegade 31, 6200 Aabenraa, Denmark


Atelier Europa cover-billede.Atelier Europa cover-billede.

What is this tour about?

The audio walk is a tribute to Aabenraa's greatest artist, Franciska Clausen, who would have turned 125 in 2024. It's a dramatised story combining facts and fictional elements. Look forward to hearing the voice of actress Sonja Richter as the artist herself, as we walk past Franciska Clausen's old school and look at the town's shapes, squares, circles and silos through the eyes of the artist. The museum guide, played by Charlotte Munck, guides us along the way.

Franciska Clausen (1899-1986) used Aabenraa as a starting point for travelling to Europe. She travelled to Berlin and Paris to find like-minded people and to purposefully improve her skills. She was constantly on the move, changing perspectives, looking at the canvas, colours and shapes anew.

What about you?

What can you see?

This is created by a StoryHunt Partner.

Billede fra turen.Billede fra turen.

How does it work?

The StoryHunt app uses your location to guide you between stories.

The tour starts at Storegade 31, 6200 Aabenraa, Denmark and follows a predefined route between 5 stories.

When you are close to a story you can unlock it to reveal its content.

This is an audio tour so bring your headphones.

Hænder der holder en mobiltelefon. På skærmen ses StoryHunt-kortet med rute og historier.Hænder der holder en mobiltelefon. På skærmen ses StoryHunt-kortet med rute og historier.

Get Started

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Where does the tour start?

The tour starts at Storegade 31, 6200 Aabenraa, Denmark. From there it follows 5 stories and ends at Kilen 27, 6200 Aabenraa, Denmark.

How long is the tour?

The tour is 1.8 km long and typically takes 1 hr to complete.

Is the tour free?

Yes, the tour is 100% free and can be experienced through the StoryHunt app.

How many times can I take the tour?

Unlimited. You can take it as many times as you want.

Can I bring friends on the tour?

Yes. When you bring friends you can make a group to synchronize the experience.

When can I take the tour?

Whenever. You can take the tour anytime you want to.